World Of Warcraft’s Children’s Week Event Has Begun, Continuing Until May 7th!

Credit: World of Warcraft via YouTube

World of Warcraft‘s latest holiday has begun! From now until the end of the week on May 7th, hop into World of Warcraft and celebrate Children’s Week!

Throughout the year, the orphans of Azeroth spend much of their time wandering their home cities, dreaming of the day they’ll be old enough (and big enough) to go out into the world to experience the adventures and marvels they’ve missed as children,” Blizzard describes.  “During Children’s Week, the giving souls of the Horde and the Alliance can help make those dreams come true.”

Players can find their orphans from several different sources, depending on what type they would like. The following options are available:

Kul Tiran / Zandalari: Orphan Matron Westerson in Boralus will begin the Kul Tiran orphan quest line; Padae in Zulduzar will begin the Zandalari orphan questline.

Human / Orc: Orphan Matron Nightingale in Stormwind for Humans; Orphan Matron Battlewail in Orgrimmar for Orcs.

Draenei / Blood Elf: Orphan Matron Mercy in Shattrath.

Wolvar / Oracle: Orphan Matron Aria in Northrend Dalaran.

Picking what race you want your orphan to be does have an impact on what rewards you receive, which might be the strangest statement I’ve written in quite some time.  There are fourteen different collectible Battle Pets up for grabs, and picking the origin of your orphan will decide which ones you can receive. The following are the options available:

Kul Tiran / Zandalari: Mr. Crabs, Beakbert, Froglet, and Scaley.

Human / Orc: Whiskers the Rat, Speedy, Scooter the Snail, Mr. Wiggles.

Draenei / Blood Elf: Egbert, Peanut, Willy, Legs.

Wolvar / Oracle: Curious Oracle Hatchling, Curious Wolvar Pup.

If you’ve managed to collect all of these pets throughout your journey, then you’ll be rewarded with a Pet Care package. This package contains costumes for your Pug, some Magical pet Biscuits, and a Flawless Battle-Stone to level up one of your pets.

You’ll also want to grab a handful of achievements if you want to grab the Matron/Patron title. There are six achievements in total needed to receive the Children’s Week meta-achievement, which is in turn part of its own Holiday-spanning achievement. This six will send you across the world and even into battlegrounds as you teach your orphan the ways of the world.

Children’s Week will also be available in World of Warcraft: Classic, though there are drastically fewer activities to do and rewards are more limited, as one would expect. Either way, head over to your orphanage and bring some joy to a child’s life!