World Of Warcraft Players Should Spend All Echoes Of Ny’alotha Before The Coming Update Significantly Increases Prices

Credit: World of Warcraft

Blizzard has recently announced drastic changes coming to their Echoes of Ny’alotha system in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. With these changes, players should expect to have heavy alterations to their endgames.

By its nature, Echoes of Ny’alotha only affect alt characters, as they’re almost exclusively used to purchase essences that have already been earned on another character. However, the system will soon be extended to provide multiple new uses, such as picking corruptions.

As the system changes, there are plenty of things that players should be aware of, but the most important is the increase in cost that the purchasable rewards will experience. As such, players that have had their eye on an essence should purchase it as soon as possible before prices change.

In summary, the Echoes of Ny’alotha currency will have it’s drop rate increased by five times what it currently is. However, the price of items purchased with the Echoes will also be increasing by five times their current price.

This means that the essences which currently cost 500 Echoes of Ny’alotha will soon cost 2,500 instead. While it sounds like it would even out, an increased drop chance makes the farming easier but far from immediate, and 2,500 Echoes will still take quite some time.

Additionally, players will now be able to receive the Echoes sooner. Once one character has completed their legendary quest questline and received Ashjra’kamas, all other characters on that account will be receiving the echoes.

Players will also be able to use the currency for a vast amount more uses, such as picking their corruptions. However, be aware that these new purchasable rewards will have their cost increased to match the new system.

Blizzard provides the following chart in their announcement:

Vessel of Horrific Visions 1750
Rank 3 Essence 2500
Masterful I 3000
Siphoner I 4250
Twilight Devastation I 6250
Siphoner II 6300
Ineffable Truth II 6750
Racing Pulse III 7875
Echoing Void III 12000
Twilight Devastation III 15000

Regardless of a drop rate, 15,000 Echoes of Ny’alotha is an incredibly hefty sum, and the other prices aren’t much easier to obtain, either. Players that have had their eye on an essence should ensure that they purchase it as soon as possible before the price increases drastically.

However, players may also want to save up as many Echoes of Ny’alotha as they can so that they can purchase one of the higher-priced items listed above. You may even want to hold onto them for your upcoming purchasable Corruptions!

Either way, it’s important to be aware of the drastic incoming changes to the system. As a whole, the additions to the Echoes of Ny’alotha currency system will make endgame significantly easier both for mains and alts.