World Of Warcraft: Classic’s Darkmoon Faire Has Opened For Business In Elwynn Forest For A Limited Time!

Credit: GameSpot via YouTube

“Hear ye! Hear ye!”

The Darkmoon Faire has opened for business in the Alliance-owned territory of Elwynn Forest, just outside of Goldshire. Despite its location, Horde players are more than welcome to come and enjoy the festivities – though the journey will be perilous and Alliance players may not be as welcoming as the carnies of the Darkmoon Faire.

If you’re unfamiliar, the Darkmoon Faire is a monthly event that appears in alternating locations between the Horde-owned territory of Mulgore and the Alliance-owned territory of Elwynn Forest, providing both factions easy access in alternation. The Darkmoon Faire is neutral and all are welcome, but the members of the opposing faction may not be so welcoming. This month we have Elwynn Forest, alternating to Mulgore for the following April festivities.

It’s important to note that if you’re used to the modern version of the Darkmoon Faire in the Battle for Azeroth version, don’t expect the same sort of festivities here! To be fair (ha), the Classic iteration of the Darkmoon Faire is much more stripped back. There are a few draws that are still similar, but it’s mostly a completely different event to the modern version. There aren’t any roller coasters or faire games to play, though you can still launch yourself out of a cannon for the heck of it.

The biggest draw of the Faire – other than the delicious food, of course – is the ability to turn in Darkmoon Cards. If you’ve completed an entire Darkmoon Deck, you can bring them to Professor Thaddeus Paleo for an Epic-quality trinket. These decks include the Beasts, Elementals, Portals, and Warlords, which will reward you with Blue Dragon, Maelstrom, Twisting Nether, and Heroism respectively. All of these are effective for different classes, so if you’ve collected a full deck of a trinket that won’t be useful for you, you can likely sell it for a large chunk of gold.

You can also see everyone’s favorite furbolg, Sayge, to receive a fortune telling. Answering their questions will reward you with a buff depending on your answers, as well as a neat little written fortune. You’ll also have the chance to complete games and quests for the Darkmoon Faire, which will reward you with tickets to turn in for other items and rewards.

Another important note – the Faire we’re discussing is active in Classic, so don’t jump into Battle for Azeroth expecting to get to grab some Faire tickets! The Darkmoon Faire will be active no until March 15th, so get out there and get your fortune told!