Week 8, Day 2 Overview, And Summary Of League European Championship 2020 By Scairtin

Credit: Riot Games via YouTube

LEC came back for Week 8 with an online format.

While some teams failed to adapt, most of them adapted to the online environment quite well.

Schalke 04 vs Vitality

Jayce / Gragas / Corki / Miss Fortune / Thresh vs Sion / Lee sin / Le’Blanc / Ezreal / Blitzcrank

Schalke 04 turned around their season in the second round of the Spring Split quite well, but it was not enough for them to secure a playoff spot. Had they done the roster changes earlier, they would most likely have qualified for the playoffs. Vitality need to rebuild for next season since the current iteration does not work.

Fnatic vs Rogue

Ornn / Gragas / Cassiopeia / Ezreal / Sett vs Vladimir / Lee sin / Viktor / Xayah / Rakan

Fnatic played out of their mind, they completely dominated the bot lane of Rogue with the Sett pick and denied them any opportunities to come back into the game. They look like the second best team in Europe after G2 Esports right now.

G2 Esports vs Excel Esports

Neeko / Pantheon / Qiyana / Ziggs / Bard vs Malphite / Nocturne / Zoe / Varus / Tahm Kench

A surprise Neeko pick in the top lane by Wunder took on Excel unexpectedly. Jankos is the best jungle in LEC and his latest games on Pantheon prove that. He is able to snowball his laners and carries the game by himself on any champion, be it Pantheon, Sejuani, Lee sin or others.

Excel had a good run this season, they’ve improved drastically after the first weeks but it was not enough for them to secure a playoff spot.  They’ll most likely secure one next split if they keep improving.

Misfits Gaming vs MAD Lions

Camille / Jarvan / Orianna / Miss Fortune  / Nautilus vs Aatrox / Gragas / Qiyana / Kalista / Taric

Misfits Gaming have secured a playoff spot and let their guard down against the rookies of MAD Lions. MAD Lions played really well and the roster is well rounded around the mid lane Humanoid who remained from the previous squad. The ADC Carrzy is one of a kind, he trash talks and performs really well as well to back up his words.

SK Gaming vs Origen

Camille / Gragas / Pantheon / Varus / Tahm vs Maokai / Karthus / Renekton / Miss Fortune / Nautilus

Origen keep winning game after game close to playoffs. They have always had a good playoff run and have been high in the standings in the previous splits. Alphari stomps most top laners and Nukeduck is a reliable mid lane. They seem the 3rd best team in Europe after G2 and Fnatic.

That is all for  Week 8, Day 2 coverage of LEC 2020, stay tuned for more in the upcoming days.