Troy Baker Says Gearbox Is Lying; He Wasn’t Asked To Voice Rhys Again In Borderlands 3

Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flicker (license)

Voice actor Troy Baker insisted that he wasn’t approached by Gearbox to reprise the role of Rhys in Borderlands 3.

While not outrightly accusing Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford of lying, the 43-year-old suggested that he “fact check” his tweets.

In an interview with OnlySP, he even told the studio that he would love to come back as Rhys in Borderlands 3. However, the Gearbox executives flatly told him that he’s not coming back.

Baker already touched on the subject at the Supernova Melbourne 2019. He was asked by one of the audience members if he’s reprising the role of Rhys. A video clip was posted by Redditor Josh J. Anderson of the exchange.

He then expressed regret that he wasn’t able to develop the character further. Baker fully expected to be asked to voice Rhys again for Borderlands 3. But that wasn’t to be.

Baker then added that Gearbox should have done everything to brick back all the voice actors of the main characters.

Pitchford was then asked on Twitter why Baker is not coming back. But the Gearbox CEO said that it was Baker who turned down the offer. This was relayed to him by the audio director himself.

In the recent interview with OnlySP, Baker said that the timeline will tell fans who are not telling the truth. He said that Pitchford first tweeted out that he turned the offer down. The next tweet then claimed that he heard from the audio director that Baker turned it down.

There seems to be bad blood on both parties, especially since Pitchford said that fans would not miss Baker. He said once they see the final product when Borderlands 3 releases, they wouldn’t know the difference.

Nevertheless, Ashly Burch will definitely be reprising her role as Tiny Tina in Borderlands 3. That’s a bit of consolation for fans who love the character. Pitchford shared the news himself.

Tiny Tina is the 13-year-old with the talent for making bombs. She was first introduced to the world in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. She started as an NPC, but her role got bigger in the second DLC for Borderlands 2. It seems appropriate that Burch would voice Tiny Tina again. After all, she was the inspiration by her brother, Anthony, when he designed the character.

Fans will have to wait just a few months to see if Pitchford is indeed right about not missing Baker. The release date for Borderlands 3 has been confirmed on September 13, 2019.