Top Esports Advance To LPL’s Spring Split Playoff Finals With Win Against Invictus Gaming

Credit: Riot Games via YouTube

Top Esports have finally defeated their nemeses Invictus Gaming with a convincing 3-1 score using ADC Jackeylove as the backbone of the League of Legends team.

TES have looked dominant for the past couple of years and this split was no different. The organization with solo laners Bai “369” Jia-Hao and Zhuo “Knight” Ding as core members has finally broken its curse and reached the LPL finals.

While JackeyLove received the MVP award only for the fourth game, he was a crucial part of TES’s victory in every single match of the series. In the second game, he flipped a fight after he was engaged on by his former teammates.

He almost managed a pentakill in the last game as well on his Ezreal pick but did not commit to the play and instead prioritized objectives with his team.

The game finished after TES acquired the Ocean Dragon Soul, which is considered the most overpowered buff in the game, and set their sights for Baron. IG tried to pull off a hero play and stop them, but TES turned and closed out the series for the day, giving TES a ticket to the finals.

IG were the worse team today with TheShy being outclassed in the top lane due to his aggressive plays. While the aggressive playstyle of IG usually succeeds, TES was prepared and shut it down to win the series today.

TES have looked unstoppable this split. They’ve played phenomenal League of Legends since they rebranded from Topsports Gaming in May 2019. Their latest acquisition of JackeyLove put them in an even better spot considering that their weakest link was their previous ADC.

The Chinese team finished the Spring Split in fourth place and received a quarterfinal seed for the playoffs. While teams who start in the higher stages of the bracket usually drop out, TES overcame this barrier today by getting a decisive win against IG. They will be facing either JDG, who has been on the rise this season, or last year’s world champions, FunPlus Phoenix.

This season’s LPL could not have been any more neck-and-neck with the top four teams being so close to each other in terms of skill. Tune in at 4 am CT on the official Riot LPL broadcast channel to see who will advance to face the dominant TES squad in the finals between JDG and FPX.

While China struggled with fostering domestic talent in the previous years, with the newly developed infrastructure after franchising the region is just full of young rookies looking to show their potential. The academy region (LDL) is extremely developed which allows LPL teams to find fresh talent and puts the jobs of veterans at risk. While the North American recycles same old talents, China is fostering new and is not maintaining the same players in the scene. The European LEC is also known for fostering good rookies due to it’s ecosystem, perhaps NA Riot Games should take notes from China and Europe regarding this to improve the overall power of the NA region.

Unless changes are done to NA’s region, they will always be behind EU and China regarding talents.