The Power Of Bunny Day, Animal Crossing: New Horizon’s New Holiday And Greatest Disappointment

Credit: PowerA via Amazon

As it turns out, the developers behind the powerhouse known only as of the game we all like to call “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” is going to gift everyone with the powerhouse of a holiday known only as Bunny Day. This is one of several holidays in the game, and it can only be reached by waiting and waiting for the day to stumble upon ourselves in the field of space. This is how time normally works according to the philosopher, but we would have never known it without first playing through a bit of the game called Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

If you wish to discover the importance of this special holiday, then you will have to go through the day of Bunnies yourself. And if you refuse? Then take your special little game and delete it. You never belonged here with us in the first place and your presence is not only confusing but immensely dangerous. So you should take it for yourself and find a way home. Anyway, if you play it you will only come to one conclusion anyway: It is a weak excuse for what anyone should think when they think about the holiday known as Easter.

If you wish to know more about this wild and immense and crazy topic, then just keep on reading below to find out more. There is only a chance to make it out there in this world, and we will never give up the opportunity to take it on our own. Good luck to everyone else who wishes to find themselves out in the world as we all see it, anyway.

The whole premise of the holiday Bunny Day is to go out, hunt eggs, meet some rabbits, and bring in as many bells as you possibly can. Does this sound familiar? Well, it should. Because as it turns out, the whole point of the game is to bring in bells.

This guy, Tom Nook, who looks suspiciously no different from an average raccoon if it were a bipedal anthropoid, is out here to only do one thing: Mr. Nook is here to leach off of all of your hard work and take your cash. He has no choice, he wants the money, and he will do anything in his power to take. This is the true state of capitalism, and you’re in the thick of it now.

So what will you do? Well, check-in on Bunny Day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons to get rid of your debtor’s slavery and collect as many bells as you possibly can.