The Forgotten City Is Being Overhauled In A Lot Of Departments; Won’t Be Available Until Later In 2020

Credit: ModernStoryteller via YouTube

If you’re a fan of Skyrim, then you probably remember the mod that has given birth to The Forgotten City. This experience has been in developmental for quite a while now. It’s a type of murder-investigation experience that broaches all sorts of topics, including mortality and human nature.

The Forgotten City was originally planned for sometime in 2019. As we draw a close to the year, though, it seems like these release projections were not accurate. Instead, we’re looking at sometime late in 2020. There’s a good reason for this, though.

You see. Modern Storyteller — the game’s developer — has agreed to a deal with the publisher Dear Villagers. It’s going to help Modern Storyteller create a more fleshed out experience where they can improve so many aspects that were already good. These include upgraded visuals, an improved soundtrack, and even professional voice-acting.

So although many interested onlookers were hoping to experience this unique investigative game in 2019, the wait may be well worth it in the end. It seems like Modern Storyteller wants to do everything they can to prop this game up and make it as successful as possible.

To hold fans over until the game’s delayed release, a new trailer was put out. In it we see the player making their way through ruins of a once beautiful city. Everything in current day is beaten down. So much lively culture has been lost, which is juxtaposed nicely with the city shown in its prime. There was rich architecture and affluent people everywhere.

We don’t see a lot of gameplay, but the cinematic scenes are absolutely beautiful. They paint quite the visual picture in The Forgotten City, one that you’ll want to investigate for hours.

The story also is shaping up to be quite memorable. You’re a time-traveler who’s been sent back 2,000 into the past. Your job is to explore an underground city of the Roman Empire where 26 lost souls are trapped in an endless utopia.

As you move through the city and uncover secrets, you shape the city just a little more. Thus, every action you perform impacts the outcome of the city in some fashion. It’s a pretty unique concept that many gamers have already taken positively to.

Yes, the game won’t be ready until late 2020, but judging by the improvement notes from the developer and the trailer that just released, The Forgotten City seems like a true gem and worth waiting patiently for.