Risk Of Rain 2’s New Artifact System Is Live With The Fourth Content Update!

Credit: GameSpot Trailers via YouTube

Hopoo Games have been busy adding a great amount of content to their action-roguelike title Risk of Rain 2. We spoke earlier today on the team making their title free to play between this Thursday and Monday to celebrate turning a year old!

With that birthday, there’s a good chance they’ll be moving out of early access soon. The Steam page states that they intend to stay in early access for twelve months, and now that that anniversary has come through, we’ll likely be seeing a full game soon.

In preparation for that full game, Hopoo Games have added a huge update to the title. This fourth content update brings in a new system of Artifacts that can completely change the way your game behaves, as well as plenty of other additions.

“The hunt is on!” Hopoo writes in their Steam update. “Be the first to explore the planet and find the secret to unlock 16 powerful and mysterious Artifacts that will dramatically change the way you play. We expect Artifacts to be the biggest feature to date in terms of replayability to all players.”

There are 16 artifacts in all, including the following titles: Honor, Enigma, Spite, Soul, Death, Vengeance, Metamorphosis, Dissonance, Chaos, Frailty, Kin, Sacrifice, Evolution, Glass, Command, and Swarms. Each of these Artifacts has their own unique effect that can radically alter your gameplay experience. They’re similar to the famous Skulls in Halo, but perhaps even more drastic. You’ll have to unlock them to see what they do – we won’t be spoiling the fun here!

The 16 Artifacts are far from the only additions. Hopoo also added in a new Hidden Realm and Boss, neither of which they intend to explain so that you can find them yourselves. Five skill variants have been added in, including Commando Utility, Huntress Primary, Acrid Utility, Acrid Passive, and Engineer Utility.

Two new monsters, Mini Mushrum and Parent, are here to take you down. There are also eight new items, a new chest, five new character challenges, three general challenges, three environment logs, and eight more lore entries.

Obviously, this update is absolutely massive, and there’s a huge amount for you to go out and explore. It may be worth jumping over to their Steam page and giving everything a deep read through so that you can be properly prepared for your next run through. Just be warned that Hopoo isn’t going to give all their secrets away in their Steam page, and you’ll still be discovering most of the new content yourself the old fashioned way.