Overwatch Baptiste Reunion Challenge Only Has A Few Days Left

Credit: Blizzard via Youtube

Overwatch is a 6v6 team shooter with a host of vibrant colorful characters to play. The newest addition to the roster is a healer/DPS character named Baptiste, who sports a healing grenade launcher and a burst primary weapon, along with a temporary invincibility field.

The hero is currently part of a limited time event, in which players can link their Overwatch accounts to their Twitch, and watch certain streams in order to earn a handful of sprays. The event also allows players to earn an exclusive player icon and an epic tier skin by winning games.

The Overwatch team periodically offers events that introduce new game modes and content in the form of exclusive cosmetic items for select characters. The Baptiste Reunion Challenge, by contrast, is limited in scope, and only meant to tide over players until the next scheduled event.

This event is similar to ones they’ve done in the past, including the Mercy charity streaming event, and the D.Va Nano Cola challenge. This event combines elements of the two.

The Baptiste Reunion Challenge began on June 18 and will run until July the 1st. This means the end of the event is less than a week away. There is however still time to earn the full rewards, including all sprays and the actual skin.

So what exactly does the event entail? Well in order to earn the spray rewards, you will need to watch a certain number of hours of streams. The sprays earned are in a similar fashion to the cute style sprays of the base game and are earned at the 2, 4, and 6-hour mark. Don’t forget to link your Battle.net and Twitch accounts before watching in order to earn progress towards the rewards.

There are certain streams you need to watch in order for it to count towards your time. There are still several big names on the lineup, including Chengdu Hunters DPS player Baconjack, and Jung-min “Mirage” Bae, among several others. The remaining lineup is as follows:

NevesThaue June 25, (15:00 – 19:00 PDT)
DeGun June 26, (09:00 – 14:00 PDT)
Mirage June 27, (06:00 – 8:00 PDT)
Baconjack June 28, (21:00 – 23:00 PDT)
Txao June 29, (03:00 – 07:00 PDT)
Darwin June 30, (07:00 – 14:00 PDT)
HalieAtisuto July 1, (11:00 – 20:00 PDT)

As for the rest of the rewards, players will have to win games in either Quick Play, Arcade, or Competitive game modes. Three wins will earn an icon, and six wins will earn the Baptiste Combat Medic and Mauga spray. Mauga is a character from Baptiste’s short story. Nine wins will net you the epic tier Combat Medic Skin.