More Details Released For Pokemon Go’s Next Community Day, It Is Time To Capture All The Turtwig’s You Could Ever Want

Credit: Niantic

The next Community Day has the Pokemon Go community abuzz as it does every time it comes around. The next scheduled event is September 15 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in your local time. It is a perfect chance to catch Turtwig and connect with your local Pokemon community.

Niantic has just revealed that those who evolve the Grass/Ground-type Pokemon Turtwig into Torterra during the event hours will have the chance to earn the special move Frenzy Plant. Other features will be included for the day as well including 3x Stardust and 4-hour Lures, but all focus is on Turtwig.

Turtwig is a grass type pokemon from the Sinnoh Region. It will evolve into Gortle for 25 candy and eventually into Torterra for 100. This event is a perfect chance to catch enough of this small turtle-shaped Pokemon as it will be spawning rapidly through the entire event.

Turtwig itself is a well-rounded Pokemon with a max CP of 1066. This is higher than any of the Gen 1-3 Grass starters, and the well-balanced nature only gets better as you progress through the evolution. No matter which form you have Turtwig in the stats remain equal and balanced.

The buddy distance is 3KM similar to the starters of the other Generations. Players are expecting that Turtwig will be hatchable from 5KM eggs with a maximum Egg CP of 609. This does put it above many of the other starters when it comes to its buddy nature.

Turtwig is a grass type pokemon so it will be boosted by Sunny weather and encounterable up to level 35 in the wild. If you do come across a boosted Turtwig pay attention to its CP, the minimum possible is 776 with a maximum of 990 and remember this max is set at Level 35.

Turtwig does have a shiny variant although it is currently unclear whether this will be found in Pokemon Go. For some lore information, Turtwig hardens soil on its back when it drinks water and lives along the side of lakes. A healthy Turtwig will have a moist shell which shows that it is well taken care of.

One last note for the ambitious trainer, when Turtwig hits its final evolution as Torterra, it will gain the Ground-type so watch out for Water-type Pokemon while in raids. This event will be your best chance at gaining a Torterra as the spawn rate of Turtwig is dramatically lower outside of this Community Day.