More And More People Are Turning To Mobile Gardening Games On Android And Apple To De-Stress

Credit: CharlotteMadelon via YouTube

In the age where mobile games are becoming more sophisticated, the popularity of digital gardening games is rising.

One such game is Rosa’s Garden, both for Android and iOS, where the user will try to cultivate a field of roses. Just like any garden, you will dig holes, plant seeds, take care of the plant, and then watch the rose grow.

You can even make your own rose by combining different seeds together. There are more than 40 combinations of roses. The best thing about this game is that it pays homage to influential women by naming each of the rose after them.

The game comes with meditative music that will help calm your mind. It’s a good way to de-stress if you are too busy with work or with life’s problems.

Another game is Virindi, which is another variation of the gardening game. You choose your own pot, plant some seeds, and watch the plant grow. The process is very realistic (even if the plant looks cartoonish). You need to take care of the plant. It needs sunlight, enough water, and maintenance. In fact, if you over-water the plant or under-water it, the plant will die.

The game is free-to-play although there are special seeds you can purchase at the nursery for that extra-special plant. Nevertheless, the nursery also provides weekly seeds for free.

Meanwhile, Gardenscapes works a lot of like Farmville but with a storyline. You will deal with some twists that can get catch you unawares as you try to unlock the secrets. The main objective is to restore a once-beautiful garden to its former glory.

According to The Verge, mobile gardening games are getting more popular in recent years, which is a departure from shooter titles. In the recent E3 last month, for instance, another installment for the Animal Crossing series will drop in March next year. The original game, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, was released on November 2012 on Nintendo 3DS.

Regardless of the title, the free-to-download mobile gardening games have most things in common–simple gameplay and relaxing music. This is why they are very popular among people because they immediately put them in a “chill mood.” It’s like the therapeutic feeling that one gets in real-life gardening.

Just like real-life gardening, digital gardening games provide you with the right distraction and allow you to take your mind off from work and family problems. They are also a great way to kill time while at lunchtime, on queue, or waiting for your flight.