Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Has Already Achieved $5 Million In Sales

Credit: Arekkz Gaming via YouTube

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne has been a pretty successful DLC expansion for the most part. Capcom really nailed down its distinct ice-themed environments and monsters. They also dedicated a lot of time making it a complete experience. Its open world is the biggest area in the game, which gives players all the more content to enjoy when they’re finished with the base game.

Iceborne has done so well — in fact — that it has already gone on to achieve $5 million in sales. This figure was just reported by Capcom, which includes sales from the PC release too. That’s a huge accomplishment for Capcom overall. It’s clear fans have loved the different direction and the new threats that are scattered everywhere.

There’s always been something special about snowy environments in video games. They create a sense of added tension as you often have to brave the elements in addition to various enemies. That’s particularly true in Iceborne. The developer really wanted to make players have an authentic experience surrounded by all of these harsh elements.

Another impressive aspect that can be attributed to its great sales is the fact that it’s so massive. You can spend countless hours going on quests and fighting big monsters like you can in the base game. It’s rare that an expansion has this amount of content. Usually, developers just add another story and maybe a couple of new areas for players to explore.

That’s not the direction Capcom took with Iceborne. They wanted to come out with something just as impressive as Monster Hunter World, and in a lot of ways, they were successful. It just shows what Capcom is willing to do for their fans. They’ve always taken this approach with their video games, which has given fans a lot of assurance over the years.

Lastly, the monsters are amazing in Iceborne. There are some that made appearances in previous installments and completely new monsters to battle head to head. Each is beautifully designed and equally challenging to defeat. That’s a good thing, though. You’re constantly looking to improve your character and enhance their skills. So when you approach a tough monster, you have a higher likelihood of coming out victorious.

As more and more updates continue to come out for this DLC expansion, it’s only getting better. It doesn’t seem like Capcom is planning to stop any time soon, either. That’s amazing to hear if you’re a fan of this amazing action-adventure RPG.