Martian Priestess of Pain, Sooma, Joins Spacelords And Is Voiced By Actress Stefanie Joosten

Credit: MercurySteam

MercurySteam has worked hard to keep its online free-to-play game Spacelords fresh and relevant to the modern gamer. Unlike previous titles, online games like this do not have definite launch dates that end devlopment. They continue on and on requiring constant updates and new content. In one of the biggest reveals so far the new character, Sooma, is joining the ranks and is voiced by Stefanie Joosten.

Spacelords is an online coop title that has revolutionized how the MercurySteam studio operates. The growing community drives the need for high-quality content to be added regularly and to keep up with the games graphical bar new content bust be visually stunning and balanced.

The story of Sooma began in 2017 when MercurySteam met Stefanie Joosten at a video game convention in Spain. The actress, model, and singer captivated the team with her effortless charm and kindness, and they decided she would be perfect for the role of their upcoming character Sooma.

Joosten took an active role in the devlopment of the character as her first visit to the studio was met with only a few pieces of concept art and a dozen or so lines of lore. They knew she would be a strong and capable warrior committed to her calling fo helping those who suffer. Although she has witnessed the worst of humankind, she still strives to help out her fellow humans.

There was a rare mix of an optimist and inner strength to be found within the character herself, and Stefanie flawlessly performed the character. With her voice behind the design, the character shaped into one of the most unique and stunning additions to the game so far. Fans have long awaited this update and the addition of this character because she is much more than merely another addition to the roster.

There is a lot of Joosten in Sooma as the actress has a passion of her own to do the best she can. She has the commitment to stretch her abilities and the kindness that makes her stronger than most in her position. She even came up with the idea of using motion capture to work in a lot of Sooma’s emotes in the game itself.

Sooma has finally arrived, and all Spacelords players can add Sooma into their ranks. The community has been buzzing with the latest milestone in the ongoing roadmap and video streams about this character’s design. The active community is already considering her a valuable part of the game even though she was just added.

Spacelords is free to play on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, And Steam. It is an action-adventure game played from the third-person point of view and has a very caring community and devlopment team behind it. It is never to late to find your place among the stars.