Lithium: Inmate 39 Relapsed Edition Is Set To Release On November 5, Confront Your Fears In An Asylum Of Horror

Credit: Stoneball L.L.C

Lithium: Inmate 39 Relapsed Edition is the reimagined version of a horror game that has scarred hundreds of players. Get ready to go back into the twisted mind of a psychiatric patient with new mechanics, new bosses, new creatures, and new music with a new atmosphere that makes for a new game.

This enhanced version of this game gives players a better, darker, look at the creepy creatures within. There are new items and trophies, creating a whole new experience of horror.

The developers took a closer look at the story and script behind Inmate 39. They wanted to revisit and revitalize it, so it would be the way originally intended. Special attention was paid to the details in the game, giving it an even more disturbing look. The fear factor alone has increasing creating an experience that will keep you up night after night.

Everything has been redesigned from the walls to the floors to the blood splashes and gore pieces on display. The style of the game really comes out now, giving the feeling of losing your mind as you progress slowly through the story.

This game has worked hard to earn its title as the creepiest platform and 3D puzzle game for the horror genre. You play as a troubled patient who must fight through his distorted reality to find out the truth and discover who you really are. Your deepest fears and nightmares will come to life and hunt you down with the goal of cutting you into small pieces.

There are over 20 bizarre creatures in this game with 200 traps and puzzles for you to avoid and work through. As you master the levels, you will have to overcome seven epic bosses. The monsters in this game were all inspired by drawings created by real psychiatric patients giving it the realistic factor that makes it all the more menacing and terrifying.

Like any good horror experience, the game gives you options. You can hide and sneak your way through the world or find a powerful ally to help you tear apart and destroy your enemies. Conquer your fear or hide from it, the choice is yours.

The original game is available on Steam right now, but you will have to wait if you wish to purchase the revised edition. Lithium: Inmate 39 Relapsed Edition will be released on November 5 for both PC and PlayStation 4. Keep your eyes open or shut them tight as you confront the fears of a psychiatric patient.