There is a discussion in the community about some players’ desire for Respawn Entertainment to alter the way Heat Shields are distributed during the battle royale in Apex Legends Season 14. Even though some of the most recent Apex Legends seasonal content has been well received by players, some changes, like how the ring shuts, have generated debate. As a result, the community has developed a brand-new idea for Heat Shields to solve that particular issue.


The modifications to how the ring closes were some of the most contentious adjustments that Apex Legends underwent at the start of Season 14 of the game. Essentially, the ring starts to shrink much more quickly than before, necessitating a much earlier start to the movement toward the safe zone for teams on the edges of the map to avoid damage. But according to one player, they have discovered a solution to address these issues and raise the treasure pool’s quality.

Heat Shields in Apex Legends should not be included in ground loot, according to a Reddit user who started the discussion by the handle Necro SG. Instead, they advocated for everyone to begin with them when joining a new match. The Reddit user intended to address two problems that the battle royale was having by doing this. They first argued that eliminating Heat Shields from the loot pool would increase the prevalence of other goods and weaponry. The current ring adjustments would also be easier to handle in this way.

Some gamers in Apex Legends supported the suggested adjustment to Heat Shields, but many others were more dubious. The possibility of more squads respawning their companions outside the ring was raised by one gamer. They acknowledged that, though they weren’t sure whether it would be beneficial or detrimental, they were unsure either way.


Furthermore, because each squad of three would spawn with six Heat Shields, some people expressed worry that this would lead to some teams camped outside the safe zone.