Gaming Developer Ambiera Announces Details Of Upcoming Game, Smart City Plan

Credit: Ambiera via YouTube

Ambiera announced today the release of their latest game, Smart City Plan, which is expected to hit Steam early next year.

The Austrian gaming developer also said that Smart City is already available for preorders on their website. Ambiera reiterated that preorders support the development of the game and provide gamers access to the beta version.

Smart City Plan is a modern city builder game which takes simulation games to a greener environment. In this game, players are assigned to creating an ideal smart city, which means developing a location that is both capable and sustainable for meeting the needs of the citizens.

Initially, players start building a few roads and characterizing residential zones, where citizens can begin developing their homes. Majority of the rules are related to building a greener and cleaner city which include proper garbage management, energy, and water usage.

Likewise, the game also comes with rules involving pollution and gun control. Moreover, Smart City Plan also has a regulation called “green living walls,” which calls for larger establishments to develop gardens to dandify their vertical walls.

After building the ideal city, users can attract prospering industries like technology and space companies to make establishments in the location.

Smart City Offers Innovative Features

Moreover, Ambiera also revealed that Smart City Plan would come with a wide range of features that are geared toward implementing smart city technologies.

Popular features of the game include public transports like subways, buses, and trains as well as the ability to solve traffic problems through intelligent rail and road building methods.

Ambierra said that the players would have full control of building public transports and managing their city with Smart City Plan. The company further added that the town builder game aims to close in on the small details of the big city bureaucracy.

Interestingly, Smart City Plan also lets users decide policies about smart garbage management, water, and energy usage, and taxes. Also, players can write laws about speed limits, anti-corruption, gambling, and gun control for a more peaceful environment.

Besides, the game also features a sandbox mode which enables users to position every building in the exact position. Users can also implement zoning for agriculture, commercial, industry, and multiple types of residential areas while providing virtual city architects with a lot of options to customize.

Ambierra has yet to release the compatibility features of Smart City Plan, but the company mentioned that would be available for Windows PC users.