First Reviews Of The Witcher Say Netflix Show’s Fight Scenes Will Make Game Of Thrones Look Terrible

Credit: Netflix

We’re now two weeks away from the release of The Witcher series, which will hit Netflix on December 20. The first season of the show, which is based on the books, not the games, will span eight episodes, and the streaming service giant has already announced that their new fantasy series will get a second season.

Even though the show isn’t due out for another two weeks, critics have already gotten a look at The Witcher, and for the most part, the reviews have been extremely kind.

“I’ll have more to say about it when the embargo drops, but The Witcher is well-cast, smartly-structured, and nicely paced. Good, solid pulp-fantasy nonsense,” said one reviewer.

Another reviewer compared The Witcher to Game of Thrones, saying that the new Netflix show’s fight scenes will make HBO’s series look “look like two drunks fighting outside a bar.”

Another reviewer echoed the previous statement, saying that the fight scenes in Netflix’s The Witcher will make Game of Thrones look awful.

As of right now, Netflix has only ordered two seasons of The Witcher, but the series showrunner, Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, has said that she has seven seasons mapped out. So, if the streaming service wants more seasons, the showrunner will be prepared to deliver them.

Of course, Netflix is hoping that The Witcher will become their version of Game of Thrones, as the main series of GoT ended earlier this year to mixed reviews, to say the least.

As previously mentioned, the first season of The Witcher will be only eight episodes long, but it, as of right now, is unclear if the show will get more episodes next season, or if each season will span eight episodes. Even though each episode’s length hasn’t been revealed, it’s realistic to expect that all of them will be at least one hour long.

If the Netflix series does end up becoming the next Game of Thrones, then CD Projekt Red, the developers of the video game series, will almost certainly decide to make a fourth main installment to what’s arguably their most popular franchise after Cyberpunk 2077 releases next spring.

As of right now though, there’s no news regarding a video game future for Geralt of Rivia, but the character’s television journey is set to begin in just two weeks, as The Witcher will hit Netflix on December 20. Also, all eight episodes will be made available immediately upon its release.