DragonFang – Drahn’s Mystery Dungeon Now Available On Steam For Free

Credit: Videogamers.eu via YouTube

Degica and Toydea have released their collaborative project DragonFang – Drahn’s Mystery Dungeon on PC via Steam.

The original game, DragonFang, was previously released on mobile devices. Toydea later released the sequel DragonFangZ: The Rose & Dungeon of Time worldwide.


DragonFang – Drahn’s Mystery Dungeon is a roguelike RPG that features randomly generated dungeons. Even after playing thousands of times, players will never experience the same dungeon twice.

The story follows a young dragon named Doran and his helper, a Fairy, in a world where his race is becoming extinct. The dragon race was once the mighty rules of the world, but their reign came to an abrupt end, and the world is suffering.

The surviving dragons have hidden away in labyrinths so that no one can misuse their powers to hurt the world that they love so much.

It’s up to the hero to find out why dragons are becoming extinct.

Doran has a “fang” that he can equip that holds the ability of various monsters. In each dungeon, there are monsters to befriend that will aid the player in battle. There are more than 150 types of monster abilities in the game.

The Steam version of the game is a port of the mobile game DragonFang: Dragon Doran and the Labyrinth of Time.

DragonFang – Drahn’s Mystery Dungeon is a free digital-only download on Steam, but has some in-app purchases. The title is single-player only with partial controller support and acceptance of the EULA.

The game is available in English and Japanese, and there is no audio.

Toydea has continued to update the iOS and Android versions of the game. The website contains previews of the characters and other enemies that characters may encounter in the game.

Players can also enjoy a bonus login collaboration for 14 days to receive “Emerald” currency and other items. All players have to do to receive the bonus items is log in to the game daily. Toydea is also offering a bonus promotion for those who decide to make an in-game purchase. Those who buy Emerald packs will also receive double the amount for a limited time as part of the game’s launch.

DragonFang – Drahn’s Mystery Dungeon is available now for free on PC via Steam.