DOOM Eternal Sold 3 Million Digital Units In March – Which Was More Than The 2016 Game Launch

Credit: DOOM Eternal via Steam

Bethesda and iD Software recently released DOOM Eternal at the end of March. While the game did have to compete with another highly-anticipated game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players picked up the newest DOOM title on multiple platforms.

In late April, Superdata announced its “Worldwide digital games market” report for March with some surprising information for DOOM Eternal.

Bethesda’s DOOM Eternal was the fifth highest-grossing title on PC and fourth highest on console according to the data.

DOOM Eternal sold 3.0 million digital units in March, which was within ten days since the game launched on March 20. The previous DOOM game, released in May 2016, sold 957k units at launch.

Many players may have believed that Bethesda’s take on the DOOM series wouldn’t be successful, but others purchased the title anyway. The newest title has outsold its predecessor at launch.

Superdata shared some additional news for the game “However, as a primarily single-player game, DOOM Eternal will likely have a shorter revenue tail than other multiplayer shooters that monetize through the regular sale of in-game content.”

Before the game launched, the game’s Creative Director, Hugo Martin, announced that DOOM Eternal could not contain any microtransactions. The game has only cosmetic content that is unlockable using XP. The XP is earned by playing the game and participating in various events. DOOM Eternal also lacks an in-game store. These two features have been part of other Bethesda games, like Fallout 76.

Bethesda continues releasing new content and events for the title for players who want to jump in on the action now.

“Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity.” states the DOOM Eternal game summary.

Superdata also revealed that spending on digital games in March reached $10.0 billion, which is the highest monthly total ever. This high amount was credited to the COVID-19 pandemic which is keeping people inside. Players are working on their backlog, enjoying new games, and taking advantage of online multiplayer.

The highest-grossing title on PC was Dungeon Fighter Online, while not surprising, the winner was Animal Crossing: New Horizons on console. AC:NH was the highest-grossing on console even though it’s a Nintendo Switch exclusive title. The game sold 5.0 million units in one month, which is more than any console game in history.

DOOM Eternal is available now on PC, Google Stadia, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.