Blizzard Announces Upcoming Fixes And Additions In World Of Warcraft’s Patch Notes

Credit: Blizzard

World of Warcraft is a massive and illustrious game spanning over a decade and a half at this point, but at times, it might seem like it’s held together with duct tape and spit. The developers over at Blizzard are always spending time doing everything they can to keep the game running properly, and to that end have given us another set of fixes in their latest patch.

The first thing to discuss here is that Blizzard has heard their fanbase loud and clear with the newest addition. As of regional restarts, players will finally have access to account-wide essences! There are a few stipulations – needing to have certain ones unlocked, having to earn a new currency, and whatnot – but all in all, it looks like a sweet deal. You can read all about that addition in our latest article here.

Other than that welcome addition, there’s plenty being brought in with the latest patch. Another highly-demanded change is the changes to corruption loot mechanics, with all equipment rewards from Horrific Visions now guaranteed to be Corrupted.

“We’ve heard from many players that Corrupted Items were not obtainable enough, limiting their ability to play with the system and its inherent tradeoffs,” Blizzard stated within the patch. “This change will substantially increase the number of Corrupted Items reliably earned each week, allowing players to choose from among a greater selection of Corrupted pieces and enjoy those that work best in a given situation.”

Additionally, Twisted Appendage will no longer benefit from certain shielding buffs, like Power Word: Shield or Earthen Wall. They also can no longer trigger more than once every 12 seconds in PvP, a change which Infinite Stars has also received as well.

Moving to the dungeons and raids, Blizzard has made a few slight changes as well. In the Mythic keystone Dungeon Tidesage Council, Blowback and Slicing Blast both have had their damage reduced by 20%. Blessing of the Tempest will now be more clearly visible when active on Galecaller Fayer. Waycrest Manner has had the Heartsbane Triad gain energy from Focusing Iris at a slower rate as well.

Ny’alotha has had an issue resolved that was causing players to be locked inside the Chamber of Heart. With N’Zoth specifically, characters should no longer be targeted by Paranoia, a change that takes effect on all difficulties.

And those are our patch notes! It likely won’t be too long before Blizzard issues another set of fixes, but until then, get out there and grind some Echoes of Ny’alotha!