Big Changes Are Coming To League Of Legends’ ARAM And One-For-All Game Modes!

Credit: League of Legends via YouTube

Riot has been adding a great amount of content and changes to League of Legends recently. Their latest patch, patch 10.7, is making some big changes to ARAM and One-for-All.

These games have their own balance system separate from the standard game format due to the radically changed playstyle that they feature. Because of this, patches often will have some changes that affect these game modes without affecting others.

Starting with One-for-All, we have a few champions being buffed in simple ways. The following changes are being made:

Akali‘s damage dealt has been increased by 5%.

Bard‘s damage dealt has been increased by 5% and his damage taken has been decreased by 7%.

Evelynn has had her damage taken reduced by 5%.

Gangplank has had his damage dealt increased by 5%.

Nunu & Willump have had their healing increased by 5%.

Soraka has had her healing increased by 5%.

Thresh has had his damage dealt increased by 5% and his damage taken reduced by 5%.

Yuumi has had her damage dealt increased by 5% and damage taken reduced by 10%.

Zoe has had her damage dealt increased by 5%

That isn’t to say that it’s all buffs, though. Three champions are having a few nerfs enacted:

Darius will take 5% more damage and heal for 5% less.

Volibear will take 5% more damage and heal 10% less.

Wukong will deal 5% less damage and take 5% more damage.

There are a good number of changes coming to ARAM as well, with most of them being minor nerfs and a few buffs. Fiddlesticks will be playing normal now that he’s been reworked with no changes to his stats whatsoever.

One incredibly interesting change for ARAM, though, is that Riot is giving 65 champions to players for free.

“We’re updating the way free-to-play champions are chosen for ARAM. Before 10.7, the previous three weekly free rotations were available to play in ARAM.”

Instead of continuing with that system, Riot is making 65 champions constantly free, as well as a weekly rotation. “Doing things this way allows us to give ARAM players a broader and more consistent set of champions to pull from, as well as making the free-to-play pool easier to understand for new players.”

Changing up the way the champions rotate is going to be incredibly helpful for players working to learn the game, as they won’t have a restricted champion pool for the game mode. Additionally, this will make it so that ARAM is easier to judge from a balance perspective, as all players will always have the same 65 champions available to them.