All Of The New North America’s League Championship Series Rosters Going Into The 2020 Summer Split

Credit: Riot Games via YouTube

After an LCS Spring Split in which Team Liquid’s title run ended and Cloud9 laid waste to the entire league, teams have decided to change things up for the summer.

With no Mid-Season Invitational reportedly happening, teams have a lot of time on their hands to make changes before the next split. Two of the four non-playoff teams have already switched things up and a few more squads throughout the league will likely do the same.

Here are all of the new rosters heading into the LCS 2020 Summer Split.


After a fourth-place finish in the LCS Spring Playoffs, TSM decided to replace Kobbe with seven-time LCS champion Doublelift. This is Doublelift’s third time with TSM, with his last stint ending in November 2017 when he signed a three-year deal with Liquid.

On TSM, Doublelift will reunite with mid-laner Bjergsen and support Biofrost. He’ll also join top laner Broken Blade and jungler Dardoch.

Team Liquid

To replace outgoing bot laner Doublelift, Liquid has promoted Edward “Tactical” Ra, its Academy League ADC, to the LCS roster full-time. Tactical played three games in place of Doublelift during the Spring Split. In those three games, Liquid defeated TSM and 100 Thieves before losing to CLG.

For the 2020 Summer Split, Tactical will play alongside support CoreJJ, jungler Broxah, mid laner Jensen, and top laner Impact.


Dignitas has seemingly moved on from jungler Grig and its pricy top laner Huni, but the organization hasn’t revealed who will comprise its Summer Split roster. At the moment, veteran LCS support Aphromoo, mid laner Froggen, ADC Johnsun, and jungler Akaadian—who replaced Grig in March—are still on the team’s roster in the League Global Contract Database.

A possible option for the top lane is Lourlo, who played the 2020 Spring Split with Dignitas Academy. The 22-year-old previously played for Team Liquid, Golden Guardians, and Echo Fox.

While the Summer Split is around one month away, we might get to see more interesting roster changes before the split begins as teams realize the failings of their Spring Split. Stay tuned for more official roster swaps announcements as the time goes by, there’s a few rumors in the scene about potential lane swaps happening within the teams between players as well. While G2 Esports are the first successful team to do so, many are looking to follow suit and repeat their success.

While some NA teams could replicate G2’s model, it’s unclear whether they’ll go for it.