A New Video Surfaces On Twitter Describing The Skill Customizations And Lifepaths In Cyberpunk 2077

Credit: Cyberpunk 2077 via YouTube

Unless gamers have been living under rocks these past couple of years, they’re well aware of the upcoming RPG Cyberpunk 2077. It’s on everyone’s list of most anticipated games, and rightfully so. The visuals that have surfaced look jaw-dropping, and the sheer size of the open-world environment holds so many possibilities.

What many have wondered about seeing all of the announcements and trailers is how the skill customization system will work. Well, thanks to a new video announcement, we have insights on how players can customize their created character’s skills. Touching on the Twitter video was Quest director, Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz. He highlighted the importance of choosing which skills to enhance.

The skills you decide to pursue and customize will have a direct impact on the path you take in this game. What you decide to do with your created character will influence how you can approach quests. You thus have added weight with every decision you make. It’s a brilliant design that just highlights how much time is being put into this incredible RPG of the future.

Even more incredible are the lifepaths that you can select for your character. You’ll have the chance to select a lifepath at the beginning of the game. What you choose will directly influence the skills of your character and how you interact with others in the game.

Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz gave an example of selecting the Street Kid lifepath. According to him, this decision would enable you to interact with gangs and remain cohesive within their network. Whereas if you had a more privileged lifepath, you would have more success interacting in the more prestigious circles.

It appears there will be several lifepaths to choose between, in addition to the many other ways you’ll be able to customize your character. It’s an incredible system that will immerse you even further in this unique and futuristic world.

CD Projekt Red confirmed these lifepaths: Nomad, Corpo, and Street Kid. Which one you choose will depend entirely on how you want to approach the game. Out of the gate, Nomad seems particularly interesting. This could mean not having an affiliation with any group, and thus having to rely on yourself to get by in this game.

These developments are promising. It seems like we learn something amazing about Cyberpunk 2077 every week. Who knows what more feature and gameplay updates will surface before the game officially releases on April 16,2020. Fans couldn’t be any more excited.