Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order by Respawn Entertainment is one of the most anticipated titles this year. But what is the story all about?

During the 4-day Star Wars Celebration, a panel of Respawn executives discussed what fans can expect in the game.

The events of the game start following Order 66 in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Cal Kestis, a padawan survivor of the Jedi Purge, is being pursued by the Empire. He is being helped by his droid, BD-1, another Jedi Knight called Cere, and a band of fugitives.

The main villain in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order would be called the Second Sister. Don’t let that seemingly innocuous name fool you, however.

The inquisitor is not afraid to use violence and torture in order to get what it wants. She’s actually a former member of the Jedi order who got sucked into the Dark Side.

She will take command of the Purge troopers, and their main job is to hunt down the escaping Jedis.

But Kestis hasn’t yet mastered his skills. So while being pursued by the Second Sister, he’s also trying to complete his training, as well.

The Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will also introduce a new planet, Bracca. Players will be introduced to Cal Kestis in this planet. However, the game will jump from one planet to another so you will be introduced to new characters and mythology.

Cal has been trying to live a low profile in Bracca. However, he unwittingly exposed his powers of the Force, which got him in the radar of the Empire. So he must choose to run or ultimately fight back.

According to Respawn, while most of the characters in the game are new, players will see familiar faces, as well. Unfortunately, the panel did not reveal who these familiar characters would be.

Steve Blank, director for Franchise Content at Lucasfilm Story Group, said that partnering with Respawn for this game wasn’t difficult.

They were especially attracted to the fact that the game is driven by strong characters and an engaging story. It also gave them an opportunity to add to the canon after Order 66 and develop new characters, as well.

The Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will arrive on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows. The release date is expected to be in December of this year. Keep posted for more developments in this story.