The PSVR is one of the more popular VR headsets out now. It features some of the best games, too. They immerse you in some incredible worlds, which after a while, will give you a new level of appreciation on the incredible gaming technology that’s out.

One of the better games for this system is VR Worlds, a compilation of VR experiences made from the talented team at SIE London Studio. If you have a PSVR and you haven’t had the chance to pick up this game, you’ll be happy to know it’s going on sale Monday.

That’s because it will be Amazing Prime Day, a day where the platform features all sorts of incredible deals. These include discounts on so many games. The sale is brining VR Worlds down to just $14.85. That’s a decent drop from this game’s regular retail price at $20.

At this price point, getting VR Worlds is a no-brainer. If you’re not familiar with this title, it encompasses a series of different experiences. These include London Heist, VR Luge, Danger Ball, Scavenger’s Odyssey, and Ocean Descent.

London Heist is a fan-favorite, which lets you take on the role of a certified London gangster. You’re affiliated with some less than savory characters, and have the chance to discover the depths of this underground crime world. The voice acting is superb and the choices you make have a direct impact on the game’s ending.

VR Luge is just what it sounds: You get to luge down a busy street. Weaving in and out of obstacles is an amazing time, one that will make you feel like a total pro.

Ocean Descent is more of a theme-park experience, where you look around as a cage plummets into the depths of the ocean. There are all sorts of creatures you’ll get to see, including a huge shark. It certainly comes too close for comfort.

Scavenger’s Odyssey is sci-fi themed experience where you’ll have the chance to jump around and fight in a huge mech-suit. It’s pretty incredible seeing space and all of its beautiful wonder.

Finally, Danger Ball is a lot like futuristic pong. You pretty much send a ball across the stage, trying to get it past your opponent.

These mini games are incredible and give you a lot of content to look forward to. VR Worlds is certainly a must-have title to add to your PSVR collection, especially now considering how cheap it will be on Monday.