One of the most popular games from the PlayStation 1 era is finally getting a film adaptation, and the lead character has been announced.

After a year of speculation, it has now officially been confirmed that Sar Wars actor Oscar Isaac will be playing Solid Snake in the upcoming film adaptation of Metal Gear Solid.

More than a year ago, the film’s director, Jordan Vogt-Roberts, said that he would love to see Isaac take on the iconic role of Snake. Isaac also stated publicly that he would love to play this role.

We finally got confirmation on this when Sony made the announcement via Deadline earlier this week.

The Metal Gear series has been a mainstay of the gaming world since 1987, when it first launched on the original Nintendo Entertainment System. Since then, an elaborate storyline and mythology has surrounded the long-running franchise.

The stealth-action series has this long and involved history, but Sony’s movie appears to be following the storyline of Metal Gear Solid, which released on the PlayStation 1 back in 1998.

While confirmation has been received regarding the casting of Isaac, there are still a lot of other iconic characters to find the perfect actor for. You’ve got Sniper Wolf, Psycho Mantis, Revolver Ocelot, Liquid Snake, Otacon, and more.

Isaac is an in-demand actor as of late. After the Star Wars sequel trilogy, where he played pilot rogue Poe Dameron, and X-Men Apocalypse, where he played the title villain, Isaac’s career has been blowing up.

He has a full plate of upcoming films, which leads many to believe we still have a long wait ahead of us before we see Solid Snake come to life on the big screen.

Before then, Isaac will be taking on the leading role in Marvel’s Moon Knight, which is in continuity with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Jordan Vogt-Roberts is probably best known for directing Kong: Skull Island, which is meant to tie in with a shared movie universe that includes Godzilla. Screenwriter Derek Connolly has been hired to pen the Metal Gear Solid film. He is the creative mind behind the well-received Jurassic World and its less well-received sequel.

Metal Gear Solid was such a unique game. It broke the fourth wall quite a bit, with players having to get key information from the back of the game box at one point.

Then you had the Psycho Mantis boss battle, where the boss actually reads your memory card and talks about some of the other games you may have played. To win that battle, you had to unplug your controller from the Player 1 port and plug it into the Player 2 slot.