Many of us saw Square Enix’ announcement that they’re working on things to help encourage people to stay inside and play video games while the pandemic rages across people who are too dense to use a mask in public, or feel that by dodging the pandemic their natural liberties are being stripped.

Many people also opted to continue scrolling through the hundreds of social media feeds after seeing the news. After all, everyone with a pulse was beginning to announce that they were doing something or other to ‘combat the pandemic‘ and ‘save the world‘, so on and so forth.

It didn’t take long to become desensitized to corporations claiming that they’re looking out for the good of the people, while international unemployment rates are at an all-time high, and people are literally protesting cautions against a deadly disease.

As Marshall Mathers once stated, the mood has all changed.

Square Enix has introduced one of the largest bundles, ever, on the Steam platform; the Square Enix Eidos Anthology collection.

Fifty-four games, all of the DLC, for a staggering discount. Even more, your purchase goes entirely to COVID-19 relief efforts; Square Enix/Eidos pockets absolutely nothing.

The entire anthology collection would typically run users about $750 dollars to add to their Steam library; with the bundle, you’re looking at around $40 depending on what titles you already have in your library.

While some of the titles haven’t necessarily been the blockbusters that the developers at Eidos were hoping it would be (Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days and Deus Ex: The Fall stick out like sore thumbs), it’s still an amazing discount for a good cause with amazing titles in the mix. Like every Tomb Raider and all of the DLCs, Thief, and even the aging Legacy of Kain.

We tend not to speak too much about discounts here, but it’s always worth noting when a company goes the extra mile and offers some good old-fashioned excuses to not move from your PC for the next two months.

It’s currently unknown if this is the grand display that Square Enix has been cooking up, or if more could possibly be on the way. When many hear the legendary name Square Enix, they immediately recall a vast number of JRPGs; this bundle noticeably has none. If you’re hoping to pick up a couple of Final Fantasy entries on the way out, you might be disappointed. Still, there’s more content here than you could possibly hope to devour during the pandemic.