A hilarious physics-based party game Party Animals has captured the hearts of fans at the Steam Game Festival. The fuzzy creatures bring a cuteness overload into action, along with some amazing cooperative brawler mechanics. Experience physics-based excitement in an adventure of ultimate cuteness and hilarity.

This title was crafted by Recreate Games, and it brings together the cutest cast of brawling champions. Kittens, bunnies, ducks, and puppies battle through a ton of different task-oriented challenges. Tussle, toss, throw and punch the other animals as you take on intense offline and online game modes.

Challenge your friends to fuzzy combat as you enter the battle-torn world of Party Animals. Interact with a realistic physics engine and watch as these animals get tossed around in furry combat.

There are over 100 different ways to mess with your friends. Attach to their heads, drag their weapons, or push them around. This is a game about having fun, bouncing around, and dominating the field of furry battle.

Like any other brawl style game, players can team up on players and try to gain the advantage. Work together when it convenient, achieve victory, then turn on each other and unleash the fuzzy fury.

Some levels require teamwork to complete. There are several instances where players must work together rather than tearing each other apart. Choose a mode that you and your friends are sure to enjoy and have a fun furry time.

This game comes with tons of different game modes available in both local and online multiplayer. Enjoy objective-based party games, free-for-all skirmishes, and an ever-changing environment. Anything can happen in this chaotic yet cute brawling battle.

As with other titles like this, most of the fun comes from the physics engine itself. This is not a game to be taken seriously. Simply sit back, load it up, and have a good time with your closest friends and cuddliest enemy.

During the game’s demo, the developers had to shut down the server due to it being so popular. To discuss the game’s current state and future interested fans are invited to join the developer discord. There, fans can find content updates and more information about the game’s eventual release.

Party Animals is planned for release later this year. Developer Recreate Games is expecting to release it on Steam and console platforms. Make sure to wishlist this adorable title and prepare for fuzzy battles of furry fury between all the cuddly characters within this game.