If you like real-time strategy and role-playing games, then you’ll be pleased to know that Kingdom Under Fire 2 just got an official release date. That is November 14, which is only a few weeks away. This online multiplayer RPG — developed by Blueside — is shaping up to be even better than the original.

This highly anticipated sequel has been through the gamut over the years. It was first announced in January 2008 and then a closed beta came out in 2011. It’s now 2019 and still no sequel has surfaced. Fortunately, this long drought is about to end. To celebrate this November release, a new trailer was just put out.


Right away, the character models look amazing. According to the narrator in the trailer, you’ll be able to choose from one of five heroes. Each one featured has special abilities and distinct weapons. For instance, the Bezerker has a lot of power and wields a huge sword. The character seems fit for players that like taking the fight to their opponents.

Then we see the Gunslinger. He’s seems like a formidable opponent on the battlefield, particularly in regards to his melee skills. He looks well-balanced and great for those that like a mixed bag of tricks.

The Ranger has the ability to harness the power of nature. Mother nature is certainly a force that will strike fear into any enemy that gets in your way. The character’s deadly daggers featured in the trailer look highly effective when facing multiple enemies up close. Oh, and the Ranger also has a bow that can be used for long and medium-ranged attacks.

Finally, we see the Elementalist. This character posses magic abilities. She’s shown having the ability to summon magic animals, such as bears.

In addition to taking these characters through battlefields from a third-person perspective, you’ll also be able to take a larger scale approach to controlling the battlefield. That’s where the real-time strategy elements come into play. You can control various squads at a time and manage hordes of monsters and creatures to help you come out on top. You’ll even be able to manage foot soldiers and Calvary. That’s the type of scale Blueside is going for with their combat designs.

From everything shown, Kingdom Under Fire 2 is shaping up to be a phenomenal sequel that should take this franchise in a bold direction for years to come. It’s great to see it finally have a release date, especially for fans who’ve held out for so long.