Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update Allows Players To Walk Around Outside Their Ship, Take Part In First-Person Combat And Explore New Worlds

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update Allows Players To Walk Around Outside Their Ship, Take Part In First-Person Combat And Explore New Worlds
Credit: Frontier via YouTube

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is the next step in development for the title. The biggest addition is the ability for players to leave their ship and head out onto planets to explore on foot.

The Elite Dangerous series has been around since the 1980s and the Odyssey update takes the game in a new direction entirely – there are new simulated planets, weather conditions, and many brand new gameplay mechanics. Check out the trailer below.

Reception to the modern Elite Dangerous was mixed, as the game felt sparse and difficult for newcomers. However, since its launch in April of 2015, the game has gone from strength to strength, and the Odyssey update really signals how committed Frontier is to the success of the game.

The Odyssey update brings all of the mechanics that players have loved for so many years and introduces an entirely new way to play. Creating your own experience is one of the cornerstones of the Elite Dangerous offering, and now you can do so on foot, not just from inside your ship.

One very interesting point from the official forum post is the introduction of so-called social hubs:

Social hubs spread throughout the galaxy give Commanders the ideal place to plan their next move. Form alliances, procure services, and even find expert support in highly coveted Engineers. These public outposts also help you acquire and upgrade weapons and gear to perfect your playing style.

It sounds like players will have a direct impact on the world of Elite Dangerous, having areas dedicated to meeting other players and organizing trade for services and gear, formed and shaped by those who have come before them.

As well as exploration and meeting with other players, the Odyssey update brings a whole new mechanic to the game. When players leave their ship they’ll go into first-person, and that means combat is about to change completely.

Yes, there will be first-person shooting mechanics. It’s labelled a tactical shooting experience, where players work together against NPCs in PVE combat with assistance from commanders in the sky. Watching this unfold – and whether or not player-lead combat against other players will become a thing – will be very interesting.

More details will be released about Odyssey gameplay in the run-up to the launch of the update. You can follow the official forums and wishlist the game on Steam now.