The pulse of the film industry According to Deadline, Sony’s PlayStation Productions is developing a Days Gone adaptation, and Deacon St. John, a rather unexpected candidate for the starring role, is reportedly in the running.

Sam Heughan, the star of the television series Outlander, was cast in the role of a hard-drinking Pacific Northwest biker antihero who rides through the zombie apocalypse, and while I can understand the decision from the perspective of a movie maker, I cannot picture the brawny Scottish loverboy in that role.

That is the subject of Days Gone. Days Gone occasionally plays up to the brilliant notion of an outlaw biker drifting through a Pacific Northwest post-apocalypse, according to Andy Kelly in his review, which earned a middling 63.
Not great, but also not bad. In any case, Bend Studios produced an excellent piece of work while being stuck in PS Vita Uncharted spinoff hell ever since the Syphon Filter days.

Despite this, Sony’s attempt to port PlayStation titles to PC was a big success; Days Gone sold about 9M copies across all platforms. What then do we know? Even if the overall quality of the game wasn’t fantastic, we know you enjoyed the motorcycle man and the zombie shooting.

It did have a strong atmosphere, which is a necessary component of good movies; perhaps it will shine more prominently there. Sheldon Turner, who penned the comedy Up in the Air and contributed to X-Men: First Class, would reportedly pen the purported remake.

According to the script, it will be “a love ballad to motorbike movies.” If the end of the world had been present, Easy Rider would have been much more intense.

On the other side, it’s possible that we learn something completely unexpected. Perhaps The Motorcycle Diaries meets mutant cannibals better in this case. We will update you.