Big News Square Enix Kids: New Kingdom Hearts Game Coming Out For Mobile, Called Project Xehanort

Big News Square Enix Kids: New Kingdom Hearts Game Coming Out For Mobile, Called Project Xehanort
Credit: KINGDOM HEARTS via YouTube

Turns out that there has been a new Kingdom Hearts game in the works for quite a while, and for the big-time fans of the series, this news could not be any better than it is right now. If you know what I am talking about, then you know exactly how happy this stuff gets the super mega fans out there for Goofy, Mickey Mouse, and Donald Duck. It really does be like that sometimes.

Anyway, Square Enix came out with an announcement about their super-secret codenamed project last night. Its name? Project Xehanort, which sounds super weird and everything, but we have finally gotten a bit of the detail about this Project Xehanort, and yes, it is everything it is being pumped up to be.

Well mega fans, it turns out that the Project Xehanort is going to be a brand new mobile game that takes place within the Kingdom Hearts Universe, and it will just be totally crazy and wild. Think of all the things you will finally be able to do in this wild, wild, game.

This will be the first mobile game of its kind, and Square Enix isn’t even beating around the bush here when they are talking about all of the things that you will end up being able to do in this wacky game.

For starters, get ready to meet back up with the Mouse all over again. That’s right! He’s back, baby. And not only will he be in the game, but he will also be using the mysterious Xena Cuber, which we will have to wait a little bit longer to find out what exactly the thing is that they are using within the game.

I guess there are also going to be some other things going on, but Square Enix is being really quiet about all of the things that are going to be going on within the game. First off, we do not even know if there is going to be external controller support for this game. If there is, all bets are off.

Another issue has to do with whether it will end up being a bit like the Final Fantasy mobile game that came out a few years ago on top of the last Final Fantasy release. If this ends up being the case, then things will be getting completely out of control! Can you imagine how much fun this sort of thing will end up being? Looks like we will just have to wait until then.