Valve Creates Stand-Alone Replica Of Dota Auto Chess Mod – Dota Underlords

Credit: dota2 via Youtube

A modification for the game Dota 2 called Dota Auto Chess is a strategy-based rendition of chess using components and characters from the original game. Recently, Dota Auto Chess has generated a lot of success, which has prompted other games to create their own versions.

This includes popular MOBA game League of Legends, who shared that Dota Auto Chess directly inspired them with their upcoming game mode Teamfight Tactics, and now the creators of Dota 2 are joining the club.

Valve just released Dota Underlords, an adaptation of Dota Auto Chess that is currently only available to players who have the Dota 2 Battle Pass.

Within the week, the stand-alone game will become available to the public and will be released across multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, and iOS. Even more exciting is that this release will include cross-platform playability as well as ranked queues across all devices.

Like the Dota Auto Chess mod, Dota Underlords has a similar layout where eight players will fight against one another by strategizing to outwit their opponents through creating the most functional team.

Underlords releases with not just an online mode, but also an offline practice tool where players can test their skills against bots ranging in difficulty. Players can also have fun with friends by grouping up versus bots or real players together.

Back in May, Dota 2 released a blog post detailing how they would be creating their own version of Dota Auto Chess following an unsuccessful attempt to partner up with the creators of the Auto Chess mod, Drodo Studio.

According to the post, which includes words from both creators, Valve and Drodo fully support one another, however, as Dota’s team shared, “We had great conversations, but we both came to the conclusion that Valve and Drodo could not work directly with each other for a variety of reasons.”

Nonetheless, Valve decided to move forward with Dota Underlords, while both Dota 2 and Drodo wished the other success in their respective games.

Since Auto Chess has been so popular, with even the creators of Dota 2 sharing how their team couldn’t stop playing the mod since it had come out, there’s no doubt that Dota Underlords will be met with similar successes.

Specifically, introducing features that promote compatibility and offer more progression to the game once it’s available to the public should help Dota Underlords to keep up with the popular gaming curve that is Auto Chess.

Until then, for those that can’t wait to test out Dota Underlords, the Dota 2 Battle Pass is available for purchase for $9.99 on their official website.