There’s Only One Day Left For PUBG Gamers To Submit A Clip For The 2019 PUBG Awards. Get A Crazy Kill With The Win94!


Gamers have around 24 hours left to submit a 30-second clip for the 2019 PUBG Awards!
Since November 27th, gamers have been able to film in-game action and send it to the PUBG developers in hopes of earning rewards.

Here is a tweet that warns PUBG gamers tomorrow is the last day to get a clip in!

This has been a unique application period since players have had to follow specific category guidelines when shooting a video.

The name of the game is entertainment. The videos aren’t supposed to show off the gamer’s superior skill or strategy. It’s meant to highlight funny, jaw-dropping moments that will engage the community.

The first category was “Aim to Win,” which ran from November 27th to 30th. Gamers had to video themselves getting a crazy or hilarious kill with a melee throwing-weapon.

“I Meant to Do That” was the second-week category, which ran from December 4th to 7th, and featured gamers making mistakes that were either entertaining or fortunate.

Week 3 was all about vehicular carnage as gamers plowed through their enemies in the “Just Got My License” event, running from December 11th to 14th.

The last event, which gamers still have time to film, is the “Scope Showdown.” PUBG players will use the Win94 to kill an enemy is some triumphant way. The last day to send in a clip is tomorrow, December 21st, so start shooting!

Players were only able to submit a clip once every week, so that means that if a gamer was participating since the start of the event, they could have sent in a total of four videos.

Every week, over 50 winners were chosen! Gamers still have a chance to be one of these winners as the Win94 challenge is still open.

The rewards are something to get excited about. The first prize winner each week receives a 2019 PUBG Awards physical trophy, a physical t-shirt, and an in-game t-shirt. There are five-second place winners, and each gets the physical and in-game t-shirt. Finally, fifty third-place winners are chosen, and each receives the in-game t-shirt!

Another thing to look forward to once the last first-place winner has been chosen is the fan-favorite vote that will take place. The PUBG community will view each first-place clip, and they will vote on which one they like the most.

The gamer that receives the most votes for their clip will receive the exclusive 2019 Golden PUBG Award.