The Former Westwood Studios Developer Silently Announced A Soul Heir To ‘Command And Conquer: Renegade’ This Month

Credit: Petroglyph Games via YouTube

While most people are unaware, former Westwood Studios developers silently unveiled a soul heir to Command and Conquer Renegade early this month. These former Westwood employees who left EA after they ended what was left of Command and Conquer in 2003, they went on and formed a Los Angeles-based studio, named Petroglyph Games.

However, their new studio has released several real-time strategy games over the past year, such as Rise of Immortals, Star Wars- Empire at War, Grey Goo, and finally, their most recent release, Conan Unconquered.

Currently, Petroglyph is on another project on something similar but better than the original Command and Conquer for EA. It seems they always wanted to push this game to the limelight, especially now when collaborating with EA. While working on the remaster of Command and Conquer, they are also working on a separate game that takes shape from Command and Conquer.

Recently, precisely 13th of November, Petroglyph came out with a teaser trailer and a Steam page titled Earthbreakers. It’s the first of its kind, first-person shooter/ RTS hybrid during a war over a purple-looking capital named Vilothyte. In the proposed trailer, there are models like vehicles, tanks, soldiers meant for Vilothyte.

Also, there’s building everywhere, in a classic real-time strategy model, but from the perspective of a first-person shooter. The character can run over to a terminal that helps in accessing the store, which enables the character to buy upgrades, vehicles, structures, and foot guards.

Based on their Steam page, the game plans to have two separate groups with each containing up to 12 first-person shooter foot guards classes, six moveable vehicles, 11 structures, and nine of which the team must collaborate to build. The multiple maps can support up to 32 players per team and finally top-grade weaponry that has an omega view as satellite, that’s awesome!

Does this sound familiar? Earthbreakers is the multiplayer version for Command and Conquer Renegade developed by Westwood, which EA released in 2002. The multiplayer mode categorized players into two groups: Nod and GDI, with each of the teams having their hideout. At that time, players could purchase ammo tanks and a different set of different abilities to uncover and eliminate the enemy’s hideout. Something similar to the video below:

When the teaser trailer for Earthbreakers came out, Command and Conquer fans quickly spotted similarities between the new entry and Renegade. Surprisingly the Fan page for Command and Conquer: Renegade confirmed the similarity as well.

For now, the future of Earthbreaker is kind of bleak, as the 2020 release date is not out yet, and from watching the teaser trailer, once can tell, there’s still a ton of development needed. Until they release an official date, maybe next year, Happy Gaming!