PUBG Has Listened To Feedback From Gamers And Is Getting Rid Of Locked Crates From Random Purchases

Credit: PUBG

PUBG is improving the crate system, which has been around since the game’s inception.

Currently, players can purchase a crate using BP, PUBG’s currency. The crate the player gets is random and sometimes requiring a key to open it. The key must be purchased from the PUBG store or on the marketplace.

It looks like things are changing, however. The PUBG development team posted a blog on the official PUBG website, titled Improving Crate Content.

The significant change is the crates that require keys to open will be removed from the game starting December 18. If a gamer already has a locked crate in their inventory, it will still need a key and can be purchased the same way it always has.

“The new Crate will retain the trade value of the highest tier item; the probability for each tier has been adjusted overall to increase the likelihood of acquiring a weapon of an attractive design.”

Some other changes affecting crates include the appearance of more preferred skins in lower-tiered crates, an increase in the quality of items in middle-tier crates, and raising the probability of top tier items.

The PUBG development team has rolled out a schedule for gamers:

November 20 – A new crate will be brought into the game called the VENETIAN CRATE. Players can purchase it with BP, and like all crates going forward, it will be unlocked (locked crates will still be part of random purchases as of right now.)

November 27 – The VENETIAN CRATE will no longer be available for direct sale. It will only be available via random crates purchased by players. Also, the probability of getting a locked random crate will be decreased considerably.

December 18 – Locked crates will no longer be a part of random crate purchases; however, they can still be purchased in the marketplace. Keys will also be available in the marketplace for those with locked crates in their inventory.

The PUBG development team notes that a significant reason why they are changing the crate system is because of the notable lack of interest in crates from players.

The development team ends the blog post by letting PUBG gamers know that they are always listening to feedback and hope that this crate change will satisfy players.

By players no longer needing a key for some of the random crates, excitement for crates will mostly likely bounce back to what it used to be.

PUBG has received notable updates lately, including the introduction of PUBG Labs and an overhaul of Vikendi.