Goner Is An Upcoming Dinosaur Themed Survival Horror Game Headed To Kickstarter This August

Credit: GonerTheGame via Youtube

Embark on a terrifying journey into a primal survival adventure. This game brings together the survival-horror genre and ancient dinosaurs in Goner. Prepare for a survival experience that is ready to launch onto Kickstarter, and then multiple platforms.

Play as Anothony Sunder, a son looking for his mother and her expedition crew. His journey will take him into a ghost island inhabited by dinosaurs, feral fauna, and much more.

Enter a new take on the survival horror genre. Goner is a 3D adventure game that will pair together with a beautiful open-world setting with an AI-driven dinosaur population. Test your skills, remember your interactions, and stay alive as you explore a forgotten world.

You will have to face multiple threats from the animals to the plant life that surrounds you. These massive creatures have had generations to practice their skills of hunting, and now new prey has come to their lost island.

Enter a realistic setting as you battle hunger, thirst, fatigue, temperature, and health. It is up to you whether you survive alone or try to save others from the island threats. Save yourself, save others, the choice is completely yours.

The island is an unforgiving land. Fight for flee from the dinosaurs and other dangers as you attempt to find answers on the island. This island is filled with toxic gases, poisonous plants, lava, quicksand, and many other dangers. As for the dinosaurs, they will use sight, sound, and smell all to find one more meal.

Craft various weapons to defend yourself or create disguises and hide in the scenery around you. Scattered across the island are safe spots to hide in. These places are meant to be a place to rest and change gear. Find these and remember them as they will become vital to your survival.

Enter an ever-changing environment. From clear skies to stormy nights this game presents an evolving world that continues to change. Hone your skills, master the land, and find the answers to what happened to your mother.

The game contains two modes available. A survival mode that relies on simply surviving against learning and evolving AI and a Story mode. The Story mode follows the main quests and will allow players to meet unique characters, finish side quests, and survive in the wilds of the island.

It is unclear what platforms Goner will launch on but fans expect PC at the minimum. Interested fans can sign up for the game’s email list and receive updates and exciting rewards for their dedication.