There is no shortage of holiday cheer when it comes to Blizzard and World of Warcraft. Feast of Winter Veil, the annual winter holiday event, is in full force, and with it comes a visit from Greatfather Winter himself!

It doesn’t matter how many Alliance or Horde a gamer slew this year, or if they ninja’d an Epic weapon, Greatfather Winter has brought gifts for everybody.

Presents are waiting under the Winter Veil Tree, and gamers have until January 1st to collect them. All World of Warcraft players need to do is head to their faction’s city and find the Winter Veil Tree. The Alliance must go to Ironforge, and Horde to Orgrimmar.
Once there, they will notice a bunch of lootable presents under the grand tree.

This year, a couple of unique toys have been made by Greatfather Winter’s helpers, Wild Holly as well as Crashin’ Thrashin’ Juggernaught and Crashin’ Thashin’ Battleship.

Wild Holly transforms the player’s mount into a festive, red-nosed reindeer. However, it is only available to use during the Feast of Winter Veil event.

The Crashin’ Thrashin’ items spawn a fighting toy, with Horde receiving the Juggernaught and Alliance the Battleship. Players will also receive the achievement “Crashin’ Splashin,” when they receive the gift.

All in all, there are six presents for World of Warcraft gamers to open during this holiday week, a “Carefully Wrapped Present,” “Gently Shaken Present,” “Festive Gift,” “Winter Veil Gift (Special),” “Gaily Wrapped Present,” and “Ticking Present.”

Players will receive a bunch of cosmetic items, including colored woolen socks, and a “Merry Munchkin” costume. There are also different consumables to replenish Health and Mana.

There is also an assortment of companions that the gamer will receive from Greatfather Winter, like the “Jingling Bell,” “Snowman Kit,” and “Green Helper Box.”

There are a couple dozen items that the player will ring in the New Year with!

World of Warcraft is one of those games that really enjoys running events for each season. Whether it’s the “Harvest Festival,” “Pilgrim’s Bounty,” or Valentine’s event, “Love is in the Air,” there is typically a new event coming around the corner.

These events always promise gamers new items to collect, achievements to unlock, and good-times to be had.

If anyone heads into one of these capital cities within the next couple of days, expect to be bombarded with holiday spirit and an endless swarm of Battleships or Juggernaughts!