The next installment in the iconic Half-Life series is a VR title, Half-Life: Alyx. It certainly shocked a lot of fans. Many assumed that Half-Life 3 would get developed sooner rather than later. Although it may still in the future, it seems the developer Valve has its sights set on the VR sector. It’s certainly an interesting space that favors immersion over anything else.

On paper, the Half-Life franchise is a perfect match for VR technology. These games always have atmospheric experiences, whether it’s the backdrops that you explore or the interesting creatures you encounter. Having these same experiences in VR form sounds like a winning recipe that Valve could use to propel the series in a fresh direction.

So far, we’ve seen some of the immersive gameplay. It looks to be taking a realistic direction. For example, there are points when the player moves objects off a shelf to reach a bullet. The entire sequence is pretty realistic and shows what type of direction Valve is looking to go in.

Valve is looking to follow up on this announcement trailer with a Q/A session on Reddit. It’s a chance for old and new fans to ask the development team questions about this VR endeavor. Thus, if you’ve waited for another Half-Life game and want to find out more about this next installment, this Reddit session is definitely not one to miss. It goes down tomorrow starting at 12 pm ET.

Valve shared this news on their official Twitter page, which unsurprisingly, has gotten many in the gaming community excited. A huge reason for this is the fact that Valve hasn’t taken this approach with previous games. More often times than not, they keep details pretty close to their chest. A lot of developers and publishers take the same approach, in fact. It’s there way of surprising fans and building up hype.

However, given that the Half-Life series has so many die-hard supporters, it’s only right that Valve would become more open about this latest project. Everyone is excited to see the series return and potentially dominate the gaming charts again. It would be nice to see Valve continue this transparent trend with future endeavors, but for now, this Half-Life: Alyx session will have to do.

Let’s see what the community asks the developers and what revelations come out of tomorrow. Don’t forget to set your alarm because there is surely to be a lot of interesting nuggets.