Both Amazon and Newegg have dropped the price for the 27-inch Acer ED273 curved gaming monitor. The frameless screen features a full HD display at a resolution of 1920×1080. It also boasts of a 144Hz high refresh rate, which makes it a perfect accompaniment to gaming.

For gamers, the refresh rate is very important because it refers to the number of times a display refreshes the image per second. If you are only watching movies, the high refresh rate doesn’t matter as much. For instance, an HD video typically has 24 frames per second.

If you are running a game at 100 frames per second, then this Acer ED273 would be the best option for you. Now, it must be said that 60 fps is already optimal for most games, but at least you have an option.

The curved gaming monitor also has a 178-degree viewing angle. This makes it the perfect monitor for your multi-screen display gaming station.

The Acer ED273 is also compatible with G-Sync technology from NVIDIA. What that means simply is that this monitor serves to optimize the NVIDIA video card. If you have a PC that runs an NVIDIA graphics card, this curved monitor will help prevent stuttering, screen tearing, or juddering when you play a game.

Gamers are very familiar with screen tearing, and it looks exactly as it sounds. This is due to the refresh rate of the monitor not being able to match the frame rate demands of the game. Basically, your video card is outputting images at a higher rate compared to what your monitor can produce.

If you are still confused, here’s a little bit of explanation about screen tearing.

The Acer ED273 monitor is billed to be one of the most affordable curved screens in the market today. The bezel-free monitor offers an immersive experience. There’s a thin layer of plastic surrounding the LED panel itself, offering an unobstructed view while you play games.

The monitor comes with an HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort 1.2, and DVI. There are built-in speakers although you can hook external speakers for that extra oomph. You can also hook a 3.5mm jack for a pair of headphones.

If you want to order the Acer ED273 monitor, you can go to Amazon and Newegg and enjoy a $60 discount today. You can buy the monitor for $219.99 from the original price of $279.99.