Santa Monica Studio, the developer responsible for the God of War series, is reportedly gearing up for a sequel to their 2018 release after going on a massive hiring spree.

God of War was one of the biggest games of last year, and even though it did come out with a ton of hype behind it, the game was certainly worth the wait, as it proved to be one of the best single player experiences of the current generation.

As of this writing, a sequel for 2018’s God of War hasn’t been made official, but it has been previously reported that the sequel is underway and that it’ll continue on with the Norse mythology theme.

If the next God of War title is in the early stages of development, then fans shouldn’t be surprised to see the game’s next installment end up on the PlayStation 5, which will probably be released sometime late next year. In fact, it’ll probably be a huge surprise to most if Santa Monica Studio is able to get another God of War game onto the PlayStation 4 prior to the next generation of consoles being released.

Of course, there is a small chance that the studio is working on another game which will be similar to God of War, but due to the success of the title, most are expecting that they’re continuing on with the popular franchise.

In fact, one of their job listings, which was for a Senior Combat Designer, requires its applicants to “have knowledge of God of War (2018) and be able to speak in depth about the combat systems, mechanics and enemies.”

Of course, Sony was absent from this year’s E3 event, which is usually where they announce all of their big upcoming games. But, likely due to the fact that they’re going to hold their own event at some point later this year, the gaming giant decided to skip this year’s big event, which gave Microsoft the opportunity to steal the show by announcing their new console.

For those who don’t know, the new Xbox Scarlett will be released during next year’s holiday season, so it’ll be interesting to see what Sony does in response. As previously mentioned, it’s likely that Xbox’s chief competitor will hold their own event later this year where they’ll announce their new console. It’s also likely that, if the event happens, they’ll announce a few new games for the PlayStation 5, with a new God of War potentially being one of their big reveals.