Pokémon Sword and Shield Prepares For Launch With New Japanese Trailers And Cafe Menu

Pokémon Sword and Shield Prepares For Launch With New Japanese Trailers And Cafe Menu
Credit: Pokémon Company via YouTube

Pokémon Sword and Shield are the newest titles coming soon to the Nintendo Switch. In preparation for the launch in two weeks, the Pokémon Company continues to release new trailers to entice fans.

The Pokémon Company recently released a five-minute trailer that gives an overview of the game. The main content is in Japanese, but it’s easy to decipher the content for those who don’t know the language.

The overview trailer first shows some of the Pokémon appearing in Sword and Shield, including previous generations. They then showcase their skills in battles plus new rivals and gyms.

The new exploration feature is then shown, including the giant battles between multiple players. Multiple trainers will likely be necessary against the Gigantamax Pokémon.

There is also a look into the character creator. For those who don’t want to be spoiled on any content for the newest Pokémon game, they may want to avoid this lengthy sneak-peek.

Also included in new video content is a new 30-second commercial in Japanese. The commercial doesn’t have much text to read, but primarily showcases Pokémon and regions the player will visit.


For players currently residing or visiting Japan, the Pokémon Cafes are serving special Sword and Shield-themed menus.

The menu items are “Starter Plates” that resemble the three new Sword and Shield starters.

New Grass-type Pokémon Grookey has a savory stew along with a side salad. The stew can be mixed with a breadstick that resembles the stick Grookey wields.

Fire-type Scorbunny has a tomato and meatball plate meant to energize gamers. It comes with rice molded into Scorbunny’s head along with a side salad.

Water-type Sobble’s plate is dessert-themed. The Pokémon’s dishes include a Sobble-shaped sandwich with a small fish of blueberry yogurt.

The Pokémon Cafe makes the meals even more inviting with a limited edition item. Any drink ordered with the Starter Plates comes with a random clear coaster. There are a total of six to collect. They include the three new starters plus the new legendary Pokémon: Zacian and Zamazenta.

The special menus are available at both the Tokyo and Osaka stores from November 15, 2019, until January 17, 2020. A reservation is required for all visitors.

Pokémon Sword and Shield will be released on the Nintendo Switch on November 15, 2019.