With The Witcher Netflix series launching next month, the showrunner Lauren S. Hissrich has been teasing what’s in store for viewers.

In an interview with SFX Magazine, Hissrich teased that the writing team has years of material planned for The Witcher series.

Since the Netflix series uses material from Andrzej Sapkowski’s novel series, and not CD Projekt Red’s video game adaptation, there is plenty of content to use.

The pilot episode will begin with the “The Lesser Evil,” which is the fourth story first novel, The Last Wish. Though Witchers are primarily monster hunters, getting into a scrap with humans isn’t uncommon. Geralt often leaps into matters that don’t concern him. This particular incident explains how he was given one of his many nicknames, “Butcher of Blaviken.”

This short story leads new viewers into the dark world of The Witcher, making it clear this isn’t the typical fantasy series. Unlike other Witchers, who follow The Path to hunt monsters, Geralt finds himself getting into politics and wars.

Hissrich previously commented that the series would expand more upon the characters Yennefer and Ciri before they met Geralt. While these two characters have great importance in the novels, they didn’t appear in the games until the final installment.

While Hissrich and her team have seven seasons mapped out, this doesn’t mean that Netflix has given the green light. If the show is successful on the streaming platform, viewers can expect to see more of Sapkowski’s series on screen.

Fans are asking Hissrich on Twitter what other short stories may be adapted. While not every story will be adapted, she told fans to “Keep the faith!” The first season isn’t meant to be the only season of the upcoming Netflix show.

On Twitter, Hissrich told a commenter that she believes the show could run for another twenty years. There are several characters, side stories, and more to be explored in the series. Her team didn’t want to front-load the first season of The Witcher. The first season leads viewers, new and old, into the world of The Witcher, not just Geralt’s story.

Viewers can expect the series to expand on everything they know about the series, such as racism between fantasy races, politics, wars, plus the mysterious magic users.

The Witcher launches on Netflix on December 20.