Monster Hunter: World Celebrates Fifteen Million Copies Sold With In Game Items

Monster Hunter: World Celebrates Fifteen Million Copies Sold With In Game Items
Credit: Monster Hunter via YouTube

If you thought Code Vein celebrating one million copies being sold globally was impressive, this one might make your head spin just a wee bit more; Monster Hunter: World is celebrating fifteen million copies being sold around the world.  From humble beginnings of loading dreary scenes, plodding slowly around the map as you furtively chase yet another monster in low-poly resolution, to the modern-day undertaking that may have you making a mess in your pants when a monster comes through a wooded glen in an astonishingly high-resolution, Monster Hunter is a franchise that continues to impress as technology moves forward.

To celebrate this massive milestone, Capcom is offering a bit more than cute art on a Twitter post; there’s a veritable slew of items that players can receive (once) when they log in anytime starting now, and ending February 13th at 1900.

The item pack name is 15 Million Celebration Item Pack and consists of fifteen ancient potions, great sushifish scales, and silver eggs, ten heavy armor spheres, and five gold Wyverian prints.  Simultaneously, Capcom is also celebrating four million sales of Iceborne, with an additional package being offered to owners of Iceborne.

Iceborne owners are receiving forty Lifepowders, ten heavy Armor Spheres and Gourmet Vouchers, five golden eggs, and a singular Celestial Wyverian Print.

Both packages can be claimed only once, but there’s a solid amount of a boost being offered in this one-time deal; an even greater boost for owners of Iceboorne, which shows that Capcom is likely to continue their precedent of offering more for the DLC owners than just the base game owners.  If it works on you, feel free to upgrade; if you do so before the event ends on February 13th, you can get all of the goodies in one fell swoop.

As Rajang comes stomping into Iceborne, Capcom continues to work on ironing out issues that continue to exist for players since the 1.4 release that saw the vast majority unable to play the base game, much less the long-awaited Iceborne that console owners got to experience four months before PC users.

They’re decidedly still none too pleased with the performance, as the most recent patch that added the ‘fifteen million’ event continues to strike at smoothing frame rate drops experienced on DirectX12 API, along with increasing the available options for frame-rate control.  While the jury still may be out for many players in regards to how best to approach Capcom, at least Monster Hunter: World is back to being playable.

That just might be worth a greater celebration than the sale milestone.