A wolf-hunting adventure awaits the Tannenberg players as it introduces a new event.

This in-game feature will give the gamers a chance to kill as many wolves as they can. The Wolf Truce Event will be until April 21.

Back in November 2017, M2H and Blackmill Games launched this first-person shooter game. It was released as a standalone expansion to the 2015 title Verdun.

It was made available on Steam Early Access. However, it finally left the latter in February this year.

The game revolves around the story of World War I. And starting on Friday, April 12, packs of wolves would be roaming around the Tannenberg battlefield. This means that gamers must ensure to save their lives amid the existence of these highly-hungry predators.

Steam explained that hunger had driven these wolves to come out and hunt for food. To survive, the players need to defend themselves by killing these dangerous creatures.

If players are strong enough and survive the wolves’ hunger, they can get a special medal in Wolf Truce Event. The gist, though, is that the gamers must not injure anyone from the enemy’s camp in Tannenberg’s new event.

Whenever there is a risk of a wolf around, the gamers will receive a signal. They will be notified that a wolf attack could just be around the corner. In addition, they will be advised, too, when it is already time for a ceasefire in order to get the medal.

The latest game update is likewise packed with some awesome features, especially when it comes to cheating. Anyone caught cheating or displaying bad behavior while playing can be reported already. They can be added on the ban list.

With the Tannenberg Wolf Truce Event, fans shared their comments. For Dmanfur, the game mode must be removed since wolves are “cute.” However, Mojito Mosquito disagreed with him. Accordingly, they must be hunted down since they are “hunting beasts.”

Meanwhile, Manbird567 claimed that he noticed some wolf bugs. The developer immediately responded and pointed out that they were looking into this concern.

Later on, it was learned that it has already done a hotfix to the issue. The players just need to be on the new build for them not to experience the bugs again.

Reviewing the game, Destructoid shared that the game is “a bit awkward.” It noted that the AI in the Tannenberg bots is “quite awful.” It appears that its gameplay is not satisfying and exciting.