I was cooking when my cat decided to swat my glass of water off the counter, so thanks, kitty. Speaking of which, have you all seen that tweet by Apex Legends about their audio update?? Like, the audio has been a mess for far too long, and now it seems that they are finally doing something about it?? For real?
Meanwhile, audio director Devan Kraushar shared the patch notes, with many people talking about it. Gun sound adjustments are all players ask for. Just think about it. What would it be like if you could have custom sound settings for your favorite gun that would just about blast your eardrums away? Yusef ecks dee went, “Yo, let me adjust my gun volume!” I feel that forreal now.
Then we’ve got iBackPackGG ranting about the ambient noise on Broken Moon, saying it’s so loud it drowns out gunfire: how are we supposed to play if footsteps are quiet?? That is direct evidence of the game!
And don’t even get me started about the complaints of footsteps being so freakin’ quiet. So many players are saying they can’t hear the footsteps while healing or when it is just mass chaos. Come on, it’s a battle royale, not some kind of silent movie! One guy even came out and said he got mauled because he couldn’t tell the direction of the gunfire-like, bruh, that’s an unfair move now.
There are some few happy ones like KikonineArt wishing dev-solid-polish tutorials! This is supposed to be a W, right?? Others are just asking for the very basic stuff; louder footsteps and quieter everything else.
And I genuinely feel like some people are just absolutely confused that there is even an audio team?? “there’s an audio team???? 😭” This had me killing with laughter fakesmiIe. Where the hell have they been hiding??
Then there comes the old-school “This season sucks” complaints. Astaroththedemn is over the ranked sweats, our man needs to go touch some grass!
Honestly, I sincerely do want to see this audio disaster sorted out. If we can please get talking about those footsteps audio cues because my heart will literally be racing that loud during the firefight? Easy fix-just give us a volume slider for everything. That would be awesome.
Weather, a weather person will keep speaking.. what I want to do is just to play; that’s my world right now. Ugh! Why can’t they fix this audio?
I’m out; later!