Speaking to a question from the crowd, Tim Morton, Blizzard’s Production Director, directly answered that the game depends on the players. The recent BlizzCon event provided much insider information about where the company is heading and the future of several of its franchises.

Though the question did not reveal anything definite, the team showed interest in building another sequel for the StarCraft game. And this is despite the poker faces sent out by the panel. He also adds that the industry has more interest in seeing other RTS games, and a message from players would signal a beautiful thing for the game development company.

Also asked if the gaming giant is waiting for the right moment, Morton replied that the development team was passionate enough when they worked on the StarCraft 2 franchise. They were focused on creating a real-time strategy game and developing it as an upcoming genre.

He also adds that it’s his favorite type of gaming genre and admits loving the concept of working on another project as such. Nonetheless, Kevin Dong, the company’s Lead Co-op Designer, also agreed and talked about the genre for a while.

While Morton also brought up topics about some independent games they were working on like the titles, They Are Billions and Tooth & Tail. He also mentioned the partnership between Relic Games and Microsoft in bringing another Age of Empires game. This would be the fourth installment of the Age of Empires.

The Blizzard executive remains positive on what the future holds and reiterates great opportunities are awaiting the game dev team.

As revealed by the given question, Morton seems to be elated on working with the StarCraft 2 project. The success of the game can be seen with the excellent base of both dedicated and competitive players keeping the game secure.

Currently, the cooperative mode of StarCraft is the game’s most popular gameplay style. It keeps brings a level of motivation for non-competitive players who would like to stay around after the campaign rounds.

There were also discussions about the DeepMind AI event, which caused players to raise questions about the meta. The game has a long-standing tradition of only permitting 16 workers with every mineral mine. However, the AI was able to allow 21 players at a given time.

Though it does not signal the upcoming development of StarCraft 3, Morton might just be waiting for a green light signal from Blizzard. If that happens, we sure will find another addition to the StarCraft saga.