Game streaming has long been talked about as being the future of gaming. On paper, it sort of makes sense. As console prices rise and PCs are still as expensive as ever, game streaming seems like the most economical option.


That’s what Google was banking on with their Stadia subscription service. It has been live for a couple of weeks, and thus far, has received mixed reviews. The game library is great, but several key features are missing that were promised at launch. That’s unfortunate and it has really left the gaming community feeling some type of way about the streaming service.

Google is doing their best to get these features out as quickly as possible. Just recently, they have introduced achievements. It’s a simple feature, but very important for tracking the progression of gamers using this platform. Stadia users can now view their achievements using a wide variety of devices, including computers, TVs, and smart phones.

Even though achievements weren’t ready when the Stadia launched a couple of weeks ago, users will still be able to see their achievements from day one. That’s great news for gamers who like seeing all that they’ve done with various titles.

There are a couple of issues with the achievement system, though. For example, there’s no real way of turning them off. Thus, if you’re in the middle of a session and do something great, a notification can pop up and take you out of the experience. It’s not the most annoying aspect, but some users have been somewhat frustrated.

Also, it appears achievements can’t be viewed through Stadia’s mobile app. Google has acknowledged that these issues will be worked out at some point. They’re focused on improving Stadia any way possible.

Although the achievement feature is only a small addition, it’s a good step in the right direction. Stadia still needs a lot of work. The pricing structure will have to be worked out at some point. Those in the community feel it’s unfair that they have to pay the full price for games they don’t technically own.


The streaming capabilities also still need some tinkering. There are a lot of areas still that can’t even support Stadia’s streaming specs. The Stadia may have been released a little too early, but Google seems keen on doing everything they can to make it an amazing experience. Let’s see what it looks like in a couple of months.