A few weeks ago, everyone was surprised when Electronic Arts filed a trademark application in Europe for the name “Battle for Neighborville,” but everyone was advised to cool their jets because no one was sure if the name was for the latest game coming out or if the trademark had been filed for something else. (That is the problem with trademarks: Sometimes things are not what they appear.) But earlier this month, the official word came out.

The latest game from the Plants vs. Zombies franchise is officially here. And it will be a first-person shooter game set in the game’s infamous Neighborville. Fans were also given a new trailer showcasing the game’s graphics and fun playstyle. So fans will be looking forward to this game in the coming months for sure.

This game will be different because it focuses on the first-person shooter aspect of the Plants vs. Zombies universe.

There will be a new sprint future. The last few games only allowed players to move slowly through the map. Now everyone can sprint as fast as they want or need.

There’s also a pretty big social hub in the middle of town, this will let players meet in a crazy free-for-all type area that is going to be a lot of fun for fans of the original series and newcomers alike. In many ways, the free-for-all area is a massive innovation unseen before in other games. So there are plenty of reasons to try out the new game.

Electronic Arts also has another tower-defense style Plants vs. Zombies in the works. Apparently this game will be very story heavy. That game will be all about the multiplayer with new classes and large skill trees. The first Plants vs. Zombies was released way back in 2009, so ten years ago. That game followed a homeowner who uses his garden of projectile-firing plants to save his city against a zombie horde.

The game is no different than other tower defense games then, just line up and upgrade your plants to shoot and kill the bad guys. Progress through the levels and purchase new skills and powers. But the latest shooter will be a great change for the game universe.

The game Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville will officially launch on October 8th, now less than one month away. And it will be coming out for Xbox One, Windows PC, and the PlayStation 4. Do not miss out on this excellent game.